Sunday, April 19, 2015

Feet On Fire.... In Tokyo

So I actually did it.  I brought my running shoes with the intent of going for a run but I think deep inside I really didn't believe I was going to actually go out and run.  Well, having not fully adjusted to this time zone, I was up fairly early this morning and decided "Why not?".  Went out and just got back from a 6k run.  I recorded it with my Microsoft Band but for some reason the map won't show on the Microsoft Health app on my phone.  Thinking maybe they just don't have the maps setup for this region because the GPS was working fine.

Anyway, I plan on going out for another run once we get to Mt. Fuji in a few days.

As for our first half day in Japan?  Amazing.  However, one word of warning if you plan on visiting Japan and you bank with TD.  Everything I read before I left told me NOT to get my money exchanged at home but to just use the bank machines in the 7-11's which gave a better exchange rate.  Well, none of my TD cards seem to work.  Luckily my American Express does so I'll be able to get cash but pretty stressful thinking I'd be here for 10 days with no money.

Jes got to try his crepes that he was looking forward to and we also had some Takoyaki which was delicious.  We then had a late night meal of Fried Squid, Chicken, and Gyoza for a whopping 8,000 Yen for the two of us.  About $8.

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